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Masonry skills of fused brick and glass furnace bottom

Release time:2021-04-07      Number of hits:418

In industrial production, the masonry of fused zirconia corundum is a very complicated work, and in the process of masonry, it will be classified according to different types and styles. For details on how to classify, you can see the introduction below. :

1. Masonry of bottom fused zirconia corundum brick

Before laying the bottom bricks, complete the stacking of I-beam and channel steel at the bottom of the kiln. Pay attention to the leveling instrument to control the flatness. At the same time, the insulation of the bottom of the kiln can also be constructed, but some projects use electro-fused zirconium in the melting section. After the corundum bricks are built or baked in the kiln, they will be insulated.

When masonry, first pull the middle* line to determine the masonry line of the first row of fused bricks. The fused bricks are laid in place by vacuum suction cups, cranes or forklifts. The expansion joints between each fused brick are separated by a gasket of specified thickness (this gasket is also used when building the pool wall or the bottom brick of the tin bath). After the bottom brick is in place, it can be fine-tuned with a wooden hammer to ensure The flatness of the bottom fused brick and the size of the expansion joint. After the bottom fused bricks are in place, clean them and immediately seal all the brick joints with waterproof tape, and lay laminates to protect them. Expansion joints between rows are separated by special wooden strips.

2. Masonry of pool wall fused zirconia corundum bricks

Before construction, the masonry positions and laying lines of each section of the pool wall must be determined according to the longitudinal * line of the melting furnace and the center * line of the No. 1 small furnace.

The masonry of the pool wall fused zirconium corundum bricks is carried out by using a small forklift with special fixtures. Before laying the fused bricks, remove the laminated board, cover seam paper and steel gaskets of the masonry parts, and clean them.

Each section of the pool wall bricks are numbered, and the corals must be built according to the assembly drawing numbers provided by the manufacturer. When masonry, attention should be paid to the verticality and elevation of the pool wall fused bricks. The corners of the pool wall fused bricks must be in close contact. If necessary, the ends should be ground on site.

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